Employment and Entrepreneurship

Although in recent years certain progress has been made in the educational achievements and employment of the Roma community in Bulgaria,  there are still significant gaps in the process of labor inclusion. According to a nationally representative survey commissioned by TSA in 2019, using a comparative methodology to the 2011 Regional Roma survey carried out by UNDP, World Bank and the European Commission, young Roma in the age group between 19 and 25 have an extremely high unemployment rate, with almost every third member of the group at this age being unemployed, and in the other age groups the unemployed are about 20%.

Our main goals in this area are to improve the employability of economically disadvantaged communities, provide them with support for employment opportunities or entrepreneurial activities, communicate effectively with the business world, as well as equip the latter with the skills necessary to work in and for a diverse context.

Our work is focused in the following directions:


In this area we work to enhance educational achievements and professional skills,  which would help connect economically disadvantaged communities with employment, increase their economic self-sufficiency and support them in overcoming economic exclusion.

Serve as a bridge between the community and business

The projects TSA works on here, aim to help low-income families and business enterprises make a better connection: by creating viable partnerships with private employers,  or by implementing projects that improve the labor-market skills of our beneficiaries and serve as a mediator service between them and businesses.

Stimulate entrepreneurship

Our work supports business programs aiming to prepare aspiring entrepreneurs on how to build and grow a profitable business, as well as models that provide access to funds for the development of entrepreneurial activities (we have particular experience with a lease-to-own model that helps boost income generation and promote entrepreneurship via agricultural and non-agricultural initiatives).