The “Colorful tomorrow for our children” project is part of the joint advocacy actions of the network of advocates of CSOs, established under the We Care project.
The main goal of the We Care project is to improve maternal and child health outcomes of Roma communities in Bulgaria through advocacy for system changes in the access to and quality of health and other health-related services.
In terms of advocacy, the project supports a network of civil society organizations in the process of planning and implementation of national initiatives in the following key policy areas for early childhood development:
- Access to health services for children up to 3 years, pregnant women, and mothers;
- Services in support of opportunities for early learning and responsive caregiving;
- Access to services in support of secure and safe environment for child’s development;
- Early Childhood Development services in support of adequate nutrition of the pregnant women, breastfeeding women and young children living below the poverty line.
The project "Colorful Tomorrow for our children" is implemented under the advocacy area “Access to health services for children up to 3 years, pregnant women, and mothers” by the Foundation “Fund – IGA” in a coalition with the following organizations: LARGO, Thirst for Life, Initiative for Equal Opportunities, Hayatchi, and Club of NGOs – Targovishte.
The lack of a policy concerning the access to medical drugs negatively affects mostly the low-income families with young children. In cases where children live in poverty, poor living conditions contribute to transforming infections into chronic diseases, which in turn affects children’s overall development and health. Hence, the Coalition of organizations will advocate for ensuring universal access to medical drugs of all children aged to 3.