Code Success Project

The “Code Success” project began in early 2017 with the mission to provide equal access to quality English language education to disadvantaged youth between the ages of 13 to 20. The focus is on young people from remote and isolated communities, and the goal is to enhance their cultural awareness, democratic values, and knowledge about the world.

A major part of the program is promoting active citizenship through volunteering and community activities.

All participants are assessed as to whether they are at a beginner or intermediate level. They are then divided into groups. Classes are taught in a traditional or virtual classroom environment by Bulgarian or native English teachers, with assistance from assistant-teachers. To promote student attendance and commitment, we are organising sessions on personal development and community involvement, including language and leadership camps.

The project is being implemented in partnership with the Arete Youth Foundation, the Crime Prevention Fund – IGA, and CORPlus – CORPS for Education and Development.