With this grant, TSA will support New Road Association – Hayredin to introduce the program “Element of Play”, developed by Worldwide Orphans Foundation (WWO), in “Prolet” kindergarten, town of Oryahovo and in one community centre – Narodno chitalishte “Samoobrazovanie 1915”, village of Galovo, Oryahovo municipality.
The Element of Play model is based on play, reading stories and music with educational toys and materials, aiming at fostering the child's interest and ability to learn through play. The project foresees a) conducting practical sessions with children from 2 groups at the kindergarten, and 1 group of children at the chitalishte, three times per week (total of 50 children or more); b) 8 monthly sessions with parents (1 group of 15-20 parents at the kindergarten and 1 groups of 8 parents at the chitalishte), covering topics such as early childhood development milestones, the importance of play and reading. The direct activities will take place between November 2019 and June 2020.